Setting the Bar High: JFAB 2016 Honorary Co-Chairs Gary Solomon, Jr. & Seth Bloom, Esq.

They’re young, they’re hip, each successful in their chosen field and they’re committed – to New Orleans and to The Pro Bono Project. Gary Solomon, Jr., (l) and Seth Bloom, Esq., (r) may be considered the proverbial ‘men about town’ – but don’t let that fool you. The two are committed to leading this city forward and bringing about positive change in whatever way they can.

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The Next Generation of Access To Justice Leaders

The Pro Bono Project recently hosted two interns as part of the inaugural year of the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Access to Justice Developing Leadership Intern Program. This program is the result of the collaborative efforts of the Louisiana Supreme Court, Louisiana District Judges Association, Louisiana Bar Foundation, civil legal aid providers, law schools, the Louisiana State Bar Association, and four law firms: Adams and Reese and Phelps Dunbar supported two New Orleans-based interns; and Baker Donelson and Jones Walker sponsored two interns in Baton Rouge.

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Media Release: JFAB 2016 Honorary Co-Chairs

Board member and Justice For All Ball Committee Chair, Jan Hayden of Baker Donelson is pleased to announce that Gary Solomon, Jr. (l), co-founder and president of Solomon Group and Seth Bloom, Esq. (r), founder and managing partner of Bloom Legal LLC will serve as Honorary Co-Chairs for The Justice For All Ball. The Ball is scheduled for Friday, September 16, 2016, 8 pm to midnight at the Audubon Tea Room; a patron party will precede the event.

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Jennifer Rizzo-Choi New Executive Director of The Pro Bono Project

The Pro Bono Project is pleased to announce that after a thorough local and national search, it has selected Jennifer Rizzo-Choi as its new executive director. Ms. Rizzo-Choi comes to The Project after having served for the past three years as the National Pro Bono Promotion Counsel for Washington D.C.- based Human Rights First. She holds a Juris Doctorate from SUNY Buffalo Law School and a Bachelor of Arts (Cum Laude) in Journalism from Ithaca College in New York. She takes the helm of The Project on May 2, 2016.

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Closing the Healthcare Gap: Medical-Legal Partnership Opens a New Door

Healthcare in the United States has been a major issue for the past several decades. Regardless of whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, working or retired – the cost of healthcare has escalated exponentially in the past 30 years.

In 2013, the year before the Affordable Care Act began, more than 42 million citizens were uninsured – that’s about 13% of the population. Since then, reports show that number has dropped by approximately 16.5 million people

But what about the 25.5 million Americans that still don’t have health insurance? Many are uninsured because they still can’t afford it, are ineligible in some way or have completely opted out of the health insurance marketplace.

In most cases, these folks are using community health centers that provide basic care and offer services beyond those of pharmacy-run “minute clinics.” Most community health centers serve both the insured and uninsured. This setting has revealed the tremendous gap in healthcare delivery, which often requires a legal solution to fill.

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When Age and Illness Meet Legal - Anything Is Possible

Manuel* came to the clinic needing help – not medical but legal help.

He is 76 years old and has been a legal permanent resident for many years. Now, he wants to become a citizen, but he’s been afraid to apply. Because of his age and some medical conditions, he does not think he will be able to complete the exam portion of the citizenship process. 

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Gillis Long Poverty Law Center: A Commitment To The Working Poor

Over the past several summers, The Pro Bono Project has welcomed the opportunity to host Loyola law school interns through the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center (GLPLC). Unlike many of the out-of-state law students who come to The Project for a short time during spring, winter and summer breaks, the Gillis Long scholars work an entire semester, approximately three months, at The Project.

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Taking A Holiday Break At The Project

While the holiday season was busy for many people with parties and family gatherings, The Pro Bono Project was having some busy days with law students from George Washington Law, American University Washington College of Law and Columbia Law School.

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Helping Us Open Doors in 2015

People are always asking us, “If your attorneys are volunteers, why do you need
my year-end donation?”  It’s a great question.  Here’s the answer: 

Every year hundreds of lawyers generously donate their time to help the underserved residents of six Louisiana parishes with challenges that involve potentially complex and costly legal issues. The issues are as diverse as the clients themselves, and the lawyers who step up to help them are our local heroes.

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