There's A New Rule In Town ...

There's a new rule in town that gives The Project's volunteer lawyers and the hundred of other attorneys in Louisiana a leg up on earning their annual CLE credits.

On March 9, 2015 The Louisiana Surpreme Court (LASC) passed a new rule allowing one (1) CLE credit for every five (5) hours of pro bono service. There is no limit on how many CLE credits a lawyer can obtain this way; lawyers are required by to earn a minimum of 12.5 hours to maintain their license. The new rule takes effect on May 1st.

This new LASC rule comes as a result of the efforts of attorneys Martin Stern, Jeff Richardson, and Ron Sholes with Adams and Reese LLP in New Orleans. The three lawyers worked with retired Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Harry Lemmon to present this proposal to LASC as a project for Louisiana Appleseed.

“We are thrilled to know that this will help The Project go farther in achieving its mission by encouraging lawyers to take on more pro bono cases. Our thanks go out to Martin, Jeff and Ron at Adams & Reese, Judge Lemmon and to Louisiana Appleseed for taking on this project,” said The Project’s Executive Director, Rachel Piercey.

Civil lawyers may volunteer to take a pro bono case by sending an email to Chief Legal Officer, Linton Carney.

See the LASC Rule.

Read the CityBusiness article.