5 in 5 ... with Nadège Assalé

In the latest edition of our 5 in 5 series, we spotlight Nadège Assalé.  In addition to serving on The Pro Bono Project’s Board of Directors as Vice Chair, Nadège is this year’s Justice For All Ball Chair. Nadège is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and Loyola University College of Law. She concentrates her practice at Bradley, Murchison, Kelly & Shea in the areas of Oil & Gas Law and Energy Law, offshore and onshore, including title examination, the acquisition and disposition of Oil and Gas properties, and general commercial transactions. Nadège’s professional accomplishments match her personal achievements.

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Thank You to Our Supporters!

Despite the summer heat, The Pro Bono Project has been keeping busy and our supporters have been out in force supporting our organization and its mission to provide free civil legal aid to under-served members of our community.

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Meet Our New Staff Attorney - Alexis Clay

We are thrilled to welcome Alexis Clay to The Pro Bono Project. As Staff Attorney, Alexis will manage all succession, interdiction, tutorship and advance directives programming. She is responsible for the provision of legal services to the elderly. Alexis received her J.D. from Loyola University New Orleans College of Law and a B.S. in Criminal Justice from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

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Message from The Pro Bono Project's Board Chair on Pro Bono Culture

We invite you to learn about new opportunities and share ways The Pro Bono Project can better serve our volunteers.  The Honorable Jay C. Zainey, Jr.  is hosting a luncheon for pro bono law firm liaisons and all others interested in addressing the delivery of civil legal aid on Tuesday, June 18th at 12 noon.

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2019 Justice For All Ball: Laissez les bons temps rouler

The good times will roll for The Pro Bono Project’s 31st Annual Justice For All Ball on Friday, September 20, 2019. The Justice For All Ball is The Project’s premier fundraiser where the legal community gathers to support our mission to provide free, quality civil legal services to the under-served members of our community.

In celebration of our 31st year, we are asking you to look to the next 30 years of The Pro Bono Project providing access to justice to the most needy and vulnerable of our neighbors.  The Justice For All Ball is embarking on a new beginning at a new location.  We are thrilled to announce that this year’s event will be held at Mardi Gras World’s Grand Oaks Mansion. Located on the river, the Grand Oaks mansion is an indoor venue that places attendees in the heart of Louisiana.  It features an indoor replica of a mansion – complete with columns, footbridges, oak trees, and a starlit sky. 

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Message from The Pro Bono Project's Board Chair

As we celebrate carnival season with family and friends, I am reminded of what makes our community both strong and unique – our creativity, civic pride, and resilience. These attributes make New Orleans like no other city and they contribute to what has made The Pro Bono Project successful over the past thirty-three years. It is a privilege to serve as the 2019 Board Chair and to work with the many lawyers, law students, judges, and members of the business community that enable us to fulfill our mission to provide free civil legal aid to the underserved.  Our collaboration and partnerships help us address access to justice issues and the demand for legal services on both a systemic and individual level.

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Continued Collaboration at Self-Help Resource Centers

We are proud to mark our second year managing the Self-Help Resource Center (SHRC) at Orleans Parish Civil District Court. With over 2,000 visitors in 2018, the SHRC is a model for collaboration and community partnerships.

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Representing Juvenile Immigrants CLE

The Pro Bono Project is excited to announce that we are partnering with Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans and the Louisiana Immigration Working Group to begin providing representation to undocumented juvenile immigrants seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS). The Immigrant Children’s Defense Coalition (ICDC) will provide ongoing mentorship and technical support for volunteer attorneys.

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5 in 5 with ... Hugh Straub

We return to our 5 in 5 series with an interview with one of The Pro Bono Project’s most dedicated volunteers, Hugh Straub.  Recognized for his legal acumen, philanthropic spirit, and bow tie, Hugh practiced in the area of admiralty law first at Terriberry, Carroll & Yancey and then at Phelps Dunbar.  Hugh is in his sixth year volunteering at the Orleans Parish Civil District Court Self-Help Desk.  Serving self-represented litigants two times a week, Hugh was a LSBA Distinguished Access to Justice Fellow for 2018.

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The Heart Of The Season

Holidays bring families and friends together to celebrate the joy of the season. At The Pro Bono Project, we like to think of what we do as bringing "the heart of the season" throughout the year to those who have needed our services.

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Art For Justice’s Sake Continues

Today’s Tales of the Ball, Art For Justice’s Sake, tells the story of the artists, graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers who have played an essential role in the Justice For All Ball since the very beginning. This amazing group has brought the cause of justice to life through their creative talents in our invitations and original artwork. One picture sometimes is worth a thousand words.

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Thirty Years. Thirty Stories.

Where were you 30 years ago?

Some of you were younger. Some of you were not even born yet! And, others, were too young to think about “what you wanted to be” or how you would connect with others in your community.

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Remembering JFAB Through The Years

This year’s Justice For All Ball celebrates the event’s 30th year. In celebration of this milestone, over the next few weeks, we'll recognize some of the people and stories which make the Justice For All Ball such a special occasion for everyone. Beginning with two remembrances from past JFAB committee chairs, we'll post future stories on the website and our Facebook page.

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5 in 5 with ... Mark Romig

For the past few years, Mark’s added The Pro Bono Project’s Justice For All Ball (JFAB) to his many places and faces, serving as the evening’s Emcee to keep the night moving along for Ball-goers, and helping staff and volunteers to keep the parade of fun on time and in rhythm. Keeping our eyes on the upcoming 30th Annual JFAB, we asked Mark to give us 5 in 5.

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Busy is as busy does, and 2018 has been a busy year for The Project and its staff. In between the big move in May, the open house in June, and getting ready for the 30th Annual Justice For All Ball since January – staff members were individually hitting some high notes! Here are just a few highlights from the year so far.

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Media Release: One Night At The Justice For All Ball

Like so many visitors to the city, there’s a story behind every adventure, and the 30th Anniversary Justice For All Ball (JFAB) is no exception. This year’s event, like New Orleans’ Tricentennial, celebrates the many people and stories, which have made The Pro Bono Project a success. Scheduled for Friday, October 5, 2018 at the Audubon Tea Room from 8:00 pm to midnight, the JFAB’s Honorary ChairCalvin C. Fayard, Jr. offers his own story as a reminder to his colleagues what ‘volunteering’ for pro bono was like before organizations, such as The Pro Bono Project, ever existed.

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